1. Nonsensical. Too many baloneys nowadays like zika virus is caused / spread by Rockefeller and the Jews to kill the Muslims all over the world etc. Malays like to believe in rumours rather than solid scientific facts. But there is a possibility in immunocompromised patients (individuals with AIDS, or a person who just underwent chemotherapy) the lactobacillus bacteria in yakult / vitagen may flourish in the digestive (gastrointestinal ) tract of such persons that may cause a more widespread infection (septicemia) since their immune status is a bit weak due the depletion of immune cells count (less immune cells, less infection-fighting capability). so vitagen / solivite/yakult are dangerous in terms of causing septicemia in immunocompromised patients, not a risk factor of cancer per se.

    Anyway it is a source of probiotics that are extremely helpful / useful in maintaining the bacterial niche / ecosystem in your gut. Some useful bacteria like lactobacillus may modulate the immune response in your gut, culminating in reduced inflammation etc. Perhaps that is the reason why vitagen / solivite / yakult are useful in people with UC ( a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the other is Crohn's disease)
